Last Friday, the boys preschool class had the moms over for muffins. I just love all of their little friends in Miss Tracy's class. Miss Tracy has a true gift for teaching and she is a great combination of discipline and tons of love for the kids. Braden and Reed have truly loved school this year!
Back row: Molly, Abbey, Felicity, Sam, Miss Tracy, Olivia, Reed, Layla
Front row: Marlee, Angela, Ethan and Braden
Doesn't Braden look like such a big boy now:-( Miss Tracy had the tables decorated so cute. She had their artwork displayed around the room, placements with their pictures and hand prints on the table and flowers they potted for us. The little girl Layla sitting beside Braden is their "girlfriend." The boys keep asking if they can marry the same person! On the way to school, Reed was telling me how Felicity (in pink) loves to sit by Layla too. Then Reed proceeded to tell me that the Bible says that he gets to sit by her. I replied with "Reed, I don't think the Bible says that" and he says "yes mom, the Bible says that we should share and Felicity needs to share with me and let me sit by Layla!!!"
I wanted to capture the kids at Children's Worship at our church. They really enjoy going to this every Sunday morning and they also have learned so much during this time. Here they are sitting with some of their friends at the beginning of it.
Garrett, Braden and ReedThe boys helping serve communion. Are they really old enough to be carrying these trays?!
Not really for sure what Kylie is watching in this pic.
Here is part of the boys Sunday school class. Reed, Madison, Macey, and Braden on the front row and Holden and Caden on the back row. I look forward to these kids growing up together!
Ryan tried to get a good picture of me with the kids for Mother's Day but you can see this did not go too well, as usual!
After school today, Braden and Reed played forever outside building a "house" for their animals. I jsut love to watch them do fun things like this together. Isn't this what summer is all about!
Braden chasing Kylie with a stick trying to hit her. She really loved this..haha~
My dad and I both bite our tongue when we are really concentrating on something and I guess Reed is going to do the same.
I am a little concerned that Ryan and I will be getting the phone call from school one day saying that one of our kids have been sent home from school due to making things into play guns. What kid doesn't love to do this! I just heard last week about a kid getting sent home for "shooting" someone with his pencil. That will be us one day I'm afraid!
I just love summer time with our family!