Their Names:
Reed Hutchison White - The Hutchison is after my dad since I didn't want to use his middle name, Wayne! I didn't think that a monogram of rWw would look good, just kidding!
Braden Paul White - His middle name is after Ryan's dad.
Our little Reed is the one with a heart problem. Many people have asked us why that is the name we chose for the one with the condition. We found out 4 weeks earlier that one of the twins was a boy. His name was going to be Reed no matter what the other twin was. Little Reed happens to be the one that has an underdeveloped left side of his heart.
Reed has a congenital heart defect called "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome" or HLHS. It is a pretty complicated condition that will require 3 stages of surgery (age of child) which are:
1)Norwood Operation (less than a week old)
2) Bi-directional Glenn (from 4-6 months old)
3) Fontan (from 18 months - 3 years old)
We are so very thankful that there is a treatment option because just 25 years ago there was no surgery that could help this condition. The long term effects are not known since it has only been around for a limited amount of time. However, there are people living and doing well in their twenties that have had these three surgeries. After the 3 surgeries, Reed will be on heart medicine and see a cardiologist regularly. If you would like to read more about this then here is a link that explains HLHS: you all so very much for the encouraging comments and phone calls during these past couple of weeks. We do not know how people get through things without God, family, friends, and a church family. Ryan and I have such a peace about all of this and it can only be explained by all of the prayers going up on our behalf. This past year has really taught our family that we are not in control and all that we can do is have faith and trust in God that He will use this situation to show how great He truly is!
I promise I will post soon with some pictures and even a 'belly' pic since so many have requested that! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Some specific prayer requests are that God will perform a miracle and fix Reed's heart and if this is not His will, that the surgeries will be very successful, that I will be able to carry these babies full term, that Reed and Braden will continue to be healthy, and that we will continue to place our trust in God! Ryan and I are so excited about being parents to two precious little boys, and Ryan cannot wait till they can play ball with him!!