Saturday, December 06, 2008

Still Waiting

I am sorry that I am updating with no pictures. I will try to get that done in the next few days. We have a ton of new pictures but I cannot seem to find the time to download them.
Reed is still hanging in there and doing well. He is still on CPAP, which blows some air into his lungs to help take some of the work off for him. All of his sats have been where they want them to be and he is resting pretty well.
Here are some questions that we get pretty often and here is my best explanation.
Have you all heard anything about a heart and how long will it be?
We are just patiently waiting for the phone call telling us that they have a heart for Reed. They will not tell us anything until they know they have a heart available for him. We do not know how long it will be for that phone call. All we know are the statistics which say that the average waiting time at VU is approximately 3 weeks. Reed will have been on the transplant list for 3 weeks this coming Tuesday. Ryan and I look at it that each day we get through, we are one day closer to that phone call.
Do you get to hold Reed every day?
Ryan and I could hold him every day but it is not worth it to us. Don't get me wrong, I would love to hold him every day!! Reed gets so comfortable in his little bed that we do not want to disturb him. We do hold him occasionaly but not every day.
Can we come visit Reed?
Vanderbilt is pretty strict about who comes in and out of the ICU. However anyone can come to visit Reed as long as one of us are there. Ryan usually goes to the hospital each morning from around 7-10 and we both visit at night around 6:30-9. I will start going up in the afternoons now that I am getting Braden out of the house. If you would like to visit, then just give one of us a call.
What can we do to help?
Just pray!!!!


Tad and Michelle said...

We are praying for you all and especially for Reed's new heart. We know God is in control and is taking the best care of Reed and you all while you wait. Your faith is an example and encouragement to us all. We are glad to hear both boys are still doing well. We hope you are taking care of yourself as you're still recovering too. Keeley you are such a strong person and already a wonderful mother. Congrats again. We pray daily Reed will get his transplant and be home with you all soon.

Anonymous said...

We will continue to keep your family and the family of the heart transplant donor in our prayers. Reed is never far from my mind throughout each day. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be in yours and Ryan's shoes, but I know that you were raised with an unfailing faith in God and that you are surrounded by a loving family, good friends and many, many prayers. Much love, Sarah Scott & Nick Collins

Michael and Hannah said...

Thanks for the update. We are all praying fervently for Reed and for the special family that will give him this incredible gift. It's such a comfort to know that you have a personal relationship with the Lord to help you through this time.